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Belozersky Regional Museum of Local Lore
г. Ханты-Мансийск, ул. Академика Королева, д. 71
График работы:
с 9:00 до 18:00
без обеда и выходных
+7 (81756) 2-28-97 заказ экскурсий

About the museum

  • The museum is one of the most accessible and visited cultural institutions.
  • The Belozersk Museum is a leading resource for the revival of the city of Belozersk.
  • The Belozersky Museum is a multifunctional scientific, cultural and educational center of local history of the Belozersky region, which publishes museum objects and museum collections through public display and reproduction in printed publications.
  • The main priority of the Belozersky Museum staff is the quality of museum services at all stages of communication with the visitor.

We invite you to visit our expositions and exhibitions.

The exposition of the Belozersk Regional Museum of Local Lore "Belozersk historical" gives an opportunity to get acquainted with the past of the city of Belozersk.


The White Lake Museum is the second limnological museum in Russia dedicated to a unique geographical object — the White Lake.


The exposition of the interior of the Museum of Ethnography presents authentic objects of peasant life: krosna, spinning wheels, children's wobble, irons, svetets and much more. Today, both adults and children show great interest in Russian antiquity: customs, rituals, traditions, beliefs, and, of course, the objects accompanying all this.

Музей С.С.Орлова

The Memorial House-Museum of the poet S.S. Orlov, after major repairs in 2021-2023 and a radical change in the exposition, the artistic concept of which is based on the principle of installation, where each hall is given its own compositional and rhythmic structure, its own artistic image, has become one of the modern literary museums of the Vologda region.

Музей С.С.Орлова

All expositions and exhibitions of the museum are accessible to wheelchair users. The space of the Museum of Ethnography is provided with the possibility of inspection for the visually impaired.