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Belozersky Regional Museum of Local Lore
г. Ханты-Мансийск, ул. Академика Королева, д. 71
График работы:
с 9:00 до 18:00
без обеда и выходных
+7 (81756) 2-28-97 заказ экскурсий

Parents of the club "All their own"

Many thanks to the museum and Lyubov Mikhailovna for holding an educational event for our children. It was very exciting and interesting. The children learned about the life of the poet Orlov. It was fascinating to learn everything about the pumpkin and work with the layout. Thank you so much for the lesson. We are waiting for more invitations.

Адрес и дата
05.08. 2022 г.Белозерск